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Dee's Blog Blog

i'll read anything and everything I can get my hands on - with the exception of horror and spiritual literature

Currently reading

Les Misérables
Victor Hugo, Norman Denny
Fight for Your Long Day
Alex Kudera
What's Left of Me
Kat Zhang
A Shot in the Dark
Jennifer Burrows
Southern Fried Blues
Jamie Farrell
Take This Regret (Take This Regret, #1) - A.L. Jackson,  Amy Lichtenhan Book Donated by Author for ReviewI always love a book that I pick up planning to only read a few chapters and i get immersed in it. That to me is a great way to spend a night and what happened when I started Take This Regret. Unfortunately, i had to put it down otherwise I would have stayed up all night reading and that would have been bad juju for work the next day.There were many times I wanted to slap the main characters because of their idiocy, not just Christian, but also Elizabeth and even Matthew. Thankfully, that all had their redeeming moments as the book continued. I would love to see a short follow-up, maybe a novella, on their life 5 years down to read